

REM-Untersuchungen an den Grenzschichtstrukturen Hydroxylapatit/Knochen
Bagambisa F, Dielert E, Fischer-Brandies E: . Dtsch Zahn­ärztl Z (43) 22-25, 1981.


Zur Morphologie biologischer und synthetischer Apatitstrukturen
Bagambisa F, Dielert E, Fischer-Brandies E: Z Zahnärztl Implantol (III) 94-100, 1987


Verbundstrukturen biologischer/­synthetischer Apatit
Bagambisa F, Dielert E, Fischer-Brandies E: Z Zahnärztl Implantol (IV) 177-181, 1988.


In-vitro-Ausscheidung extracellulärer Matrix auf Hydroxylapatit- und Titanoberflächen durch osteogenetische Zellen Vorläufige Ergebnisse und Bedeutung Bagambisa FB, Joos U: Z. Zahnärtl Implantol (VI) 205-213, 1990.


The behaviour of hydroxyapatite ceramics in an aqueous environment
Bagambisa FB: J Mater Sci (25) 5091-5095, 1990.


The interaction of osteogenic cells with hydroxylapatite implant materials in vitro and in vivo Bagambisa FB, Joos U, Schilli W: Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants (5) 217-226, 1990.


The surface of implanted hydroxyapatite is subjected to the laws of remodelling
Bagambisa FB, Joos U, Schilli W: In: Bioceramics, Heimke G (Ed) Vol 2, Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft eV., Köln 1990, pp. 49-56.


Preliminary studies on the phenomenological behaviour of osteoblasts cultured on hydroxyapatite ceramics
Bagambisa FB, Joos U: Bioma­terials (11) 50-56, 1990.


Comparison of transcutaneous incisions used for exposure of the infraorbital rim and orbital floor
Bähr W, Bagambisa FB, Schlegel G, Schilli W:. J Plast Reconstr Surg (90) 585-591, 1992


Mechanisms and structure of the bond between bone and hydroxylapatite
Bagambisa FB, Joos U, Schilli W: J Biomed Mater Res. J Biomed Mater Res (27) 1047-1055, 1993


The ultrastructural organisation of bone mineral
Bagambisa FB, Joos U, Schilli W: Cells Mater (3) 93-102, 1993.


Cellular and molecular biological events at the implant interface
Bagambisa FB, Kappert HF, Schilli W: J Cranio-Maxillo-Fac Surg (22) 12-17, (1994)


Interafacial reactions of osteoblasts to dental and implant materials
Bagambisa FB, Kappert HF, Schilli W: Am J Oral Maxillofac Surg (52) 52-56, 1994.


 Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kieferchirurgie
 Bundesverband der Deutschen Oralchirurgien
 Bundesverband der niedergelassenen implantologisch tätigen
   Zahnärzte in Deutschland e. V . (BDIZ)